In the end, the solution to my intermittent on/off problem with my toolfans on the Hymera direct drives was extremely simple.
The picture shows the solution, as the Hymera stepper driver obviously interferes with the 40mm fans. The problem was that these fans 2,4,6 and 8 not always started spinning.
I tried to exchange the fans which did not help, tested the Voltage, current , settings and so on. Everything appeared to be OK.
Strangely enough, when testing the fan off the Hymera tool, even including the duct attached, everything woked fine. Just did not work when mounted on the Hymera.
Finally, Just trying some things, I pushed a thin steel plate (NOT RVS) in between the fan and the stepper motor, and now it always works, even at 5% PWM! Problem solved!
After testing at all tools, I made 4 better fitting thin plates and mounted these at the 4 tools and no problem exists anymore, ever since!
The toolhead stepper of my E3D toolchanger system suddenly broke down.
The cause was a failed tool pickup move, due to which the rotating axle of the toolhead pickup system got blocked.
After exchanging the stepper I changed the Duet’s settings so the C-drive will not be able to generate too much torque.
This will prevent the last teethed wheel to break whenever the driven pickup axle gets blocked under extreme circumstances.
After opening the case of the failed reduction box, I discovered 1 broken tooth of the final gear.
I ordered me a new one, and mounted this. And I changed the C-drive’s settings to make use of the stall mechanism. It took some tweaking to get this to work properly. After all, picking up a tool must still work as this is the base intention.
All is OK again!
My dual carriage I3-bear based 3d printer is working very well.
On this page I share my latest configuration files, my build experiences like the used STL’s , schematics and so on.
Hope you enjoy!
Be aware that the tool settings in config.g are set including relative X, Y, Z values for this build so DO NOT put this in your slicer!
And- you need at least RRF3.3.1 for reprap FW and for DWC.
The sensorless homimg also requires knowledge of config settings and the good news is that the Duet2wifi has this all managed by the reprap firmware. No switches needed or complex jumper settings!
Tip for printing the parts: I used ABS for all parts. Use at least a printer with calibrated XYZ values for your specific filament.
Do a testcube first and apply any needed adjusting to your slicer’s settings like pre-shrinking settings of the endresult and so on.
If you don’t do this, then don’t start this build.
It is a prerequisite to get the magnetic carriage to deliver-and get the carriages from left and right of the X-axis.
Therefore the movement needs to be free of unneccessary friction.
And– if you use sensorless homing any additional friction on any sensorless homed axis might lead to unintended stalls.
I added a dripstop to the left and right hand sided X-carriages, made of some thin tinned plate.
It is positioned so, that a little tension is put on the nozzle tip in the parking position. It really works very well!
The config.g for this build and the Duet2wifi is HERE
The Sys directory for the dual carriage build and Duet2wifi is HERE
The Macros directory for the dual carriage build and Duet2wifi is HERE
The build plan for the 2040 extrusion frame is HERE
The STL files for the X-axis carriages and carriages are HERE
All other needed STL files for the printer are HERE
The Duet’s case and 4.3 inch Paneldue’s case are HERE
The page of the working printer is HERE
The build plans for the electronics and Duet2wifi wiring schemes are HERE
Please donate $1 to my paypal account if you use (parts of) my developed materials so I can continue to share nice stuff for you to download